S1: Pilot

This is the Age for the Amateurs, but most people have come to use the term derisively instead of for its true meaning: which is someone who engages in a pursuit without payment. A man can be equally skilled in his hobby as a man who chose the same pursuit as a profession. Have we forgotten that the Olympics were created for amateurs? Now, I do NOT profess to be expert at anything. [Nope. That's a lie. There are some things. I'm sure I'll talk about them at some point in the future, when it is relevant. No, if there is anything I could compete in like an Olympian, it would be sleeping. I can sleep ANYWHERE, at any time of day, even with things happening around me, and I usually fall asleep just a minute after I close my eyes. Skillz.] I am certainly no expert writer. I passed all my English & composition classes with flying colors, but I have never wanted to pursue that kind of profession. Still, I find myself to be impressively more eloquent in prose than in oral...